Articles from Michael Becker

Retirement Savings Update: More Flexibility, More Plans?

In an effort to make retirement savings more attractive and expand enrollment, the government is expected to issue more flexible rules for retirement savings accounts like 401(k)s.

Regulators want to modify the current rule requiring withdrawals from retirement accounts beginning at age 70½ regardless of whether someone needs the money or not. This would allow savers who don’t yet need the money to leave it in their retirement accounts, working for them longer. This is thought to be especially important given increasing life expectancies.

Rules making it easier for small business to band together to offer 401(k)s and similar plans are also thought to be afoot. This would enable them to enjoy some of the benefits larger employers have in setting up and running these plans. And this would likely expand access to these plans to employees of small businesses, which to date have typically not offered them.

Finally, regulators may allow retirement plans to start offering annuities, which provide guaranteed income for life, a feature attractive to many retirees.

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Celebrities Mediate, Too!

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s relationship, dating back to the early 2000’s has been one of the most public love stories in Hollywood. And when they recently got divorced, they chose a more private and pragmatic approach: mediation. No doubt, they could have afforded to hire armies of attorneys to fight it out for years…

The 5 Steps in a Troubled Marriage

In her upcoming book, I (Think) I Want Out, couples’ therapist Becky Whitestone lays out the five milestones in a failing marriage. She hopes couples who identify these stages early on can save their marriage before it’s too late.

Spending Limits Help Couples?

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