Articles from Michael Becker

Millennials Causing Declining Divorce Rates

Millennials have found a new way to do things differently from their Baby Boomer parents. It turns out that they divorce at a much lower rate, according to a University of Maryland analysis.

While Boomers got married young, then divorced, and then often remarried, Millennials wait longer to get married in the first place — when education, finances and career are a bit more figured out.

It seems that for Millennials, marriage isn’t just something you do when you reach a certain age. Instead it is an “achievement of status,” says the study’s leader.

Millennials, as a group, also seem to be more selective in choosing their spouses in the first place.

And poorer Millennials, thought more likely to divorce according to the study, are often opting to live together and not marry at all.

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