Articles from Michael Becker
Social Security: Divorce Basics
If you are the spouse who made less money in the marriage and then get divorced, Social Security has a potential benefit for you.
Upon divorce, you can typically receive the higher of your own Social Security benefit or half your ex’s (which may likely be greater). Collecting on your ex’s earnings doesn’t impact their benefits, or those of their current spouse. Social Security just makes up the difference.
This rule applies even if your ex is remarried, and he or she won’t know that you are collecting based on their earnings history. And your ex can have multiple ex-spouses collecting on his or her earnings history.
To collect on your ex’s earnings history, you typically need to have been married to him or her for at least 10 years, not be currently married, and over 62.
There are other rules, such as those about when you can start collecting. So it’s best to go to the Social Security website for the fine print.